- Any grower who has a potato field rejected for certification by an MSU inspector shall
have that field revisited by the MSU chief inspector for verification or rejection
of the original inspector’s decision. If the field is rejected by the MSU chief inspector,
the grower will be immediately be notified verbally and will be sent a registered
letter postmarked within five (5) days of the date of inspection.
- If a grower disagrees with a decision rendered by a certification inspector on a crop
or any other decision resulting in non-certification of a crop, the grower may appeal
this decision. The grower must file a certified letter of appeal within five (5) days
of receiving the decision notice. The letter should be signed, dated and mailed to
Director, Seed Potato Certification, MSU-Bozeman, PO Box 172060, Bozeman, Montana
- Upon receipt, the letter will be submitted to the Head of the Department of Plant
Science, or a designated representative if the Department Head is not available within
the time frame of the appeal. The Head of the Department of Plant Science will make
the final decision of the University. Within seven (7) days after receipt of the letter,
the complainant will be notified of the University’s ruling.
- Rogueing or sorting is not permitted between the time of the initial inspection and
the re-examination of the field(s) or storage(s) when growers have submitted an appeal.
Violators shall lose the right of an appeal and shall have certification rejected.
Potato Lab
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172060
Bozeman, MT 59717-2060
Phone: (406) 994-3150
Fax: (406) 994-6042
Location: 223 Plant Growth Center
Nina Zidack