Section 9 - Field Inspections, Cellar Visits, Post-harvest Tests, Forms and Seed Directory
- Field Inspection
- The field inspection of each lot will be based on the visual inspection of the sample selected.
- At least two (2) field inspections shall be made during one growing season. Field conditions permitting a third inspection will be performed. Montana State University may make as many field inspections as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the certification program.
- Inspections shall be performed by walking through the field in a prescribed manner and visually examining the growing plants. Each field shall be observed for abnormal and/or unusual cultural conditions. Inspections will not be made of each individual plant, by only a representative sample of the field.
- Disease percentages shall be derived from actual plant count in the field. The inspector shall begin counts upon entering the field and shall proceed in a manner he/she deems reasonable and appropriate for adequate inspection of the field. During all inspections, a random sample, which shall be equivalent to at least 100 plants of per acre, shall be counted, but not every acre is necessarily inspected. Overt symptoms of potato disease will be recorded by the MSU inspector on the inspection form. A percentage of the overt symptoms for each disease will be derived from the plant counts. This disease percentage will be published by MSU in the annual seed directory. In case of detection of Bacterial Ring Rot caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (CMS), equals Corynebacterium sepedonicum), visual diagnosis shall be confirmed by PCR. All tests will be done at MSU at the expense of the seed grower. Any positive identification of CMS will be confirmed by a 3rd party accredited laboratory.
- The inspector may refuse to inspect a field for any of the following:
- recent application of dangerous agricultural chemicals which may present a health hazard to the inspector;
- extensive storm of frost damage or other environmental conditions which do not permit satisfactory inspection of the field;
- extensive chemical damage that seriously injures or impairs the growth of the plants or causes conditions that precludes or unreasonably limits a proper inspection of the field;
- any other condition which, in light of the circumstances, precludes or unreasonably limits inspection.
- Post-harvest Test and Cellar Visits
- For the post-harvest grow-out test, growers will take samples at the time of harvest.
The sample should be 400 tubers per sample. Number of samples per field for G2, G3,
G4 and G5 are as follows:
G1 2 acres or less One 400 tuber sample
>2 acres 2 samples
Up to 20 acres 1 sample
21-40 acres 2 samples
41-80 acres 3 samples
>80 acres 4 samples
1 sample – regardless of acreage
- Cellar visits will be performed only at the grower’s request. The purpose of the visit is to assist the growers in evaluating the appropriateness of the potato storage.
- For the post-harvest grow-out test, growers will take samples at the time of harvest.
The sample should be 400 tubers per sample. Number of samples per field for G2, G3,
G4 and G5 are as follows:
- Inspection Forms, Records and Seed Directory
- Inspection data shall be recorded on an official inspection forms(s). The form shall be signed by both the inspector and the grower or his/her designated agent and properly dated. The original shall be presented to the grower and a copy retained by the inspector for Montana State University Records.
- All MSU seed potato certification and laboratory records, application forms, inspection reports, testing reports, and other documents shall be kept for seven years.
- MSU shall publish a Montana certified seed potato directory for each crop year. The
seed directory shall include:
- the full name of the Montana certified seed grower as it appears on the seed registration records. However, any grower may request to have his/her mailing address and telephone number excluded from publication in the directory;
- the seed class;
- the number of acres certified;
- all the field inspection readings;
- such other information collected in the performance of the certification program as determined by the MSU potato specialist, in consultation with the Montana Potato Advisory Board.
- All summer and winter inspection and ELISA test results will be recorded on the North American Plant Health Certificates (NAPHC).