- Any seed grower desiring to have seed potatoes certified by MSU under these Rules
shall make application to MSU on a form furnished by MSU. Applications are available
online at https://seedpotato.montana.edu.
- Completed application forms must be received through the Montana Seed Potato Certification
Database (https://seedpotato.montana.edu/) on or before June 10th and appropriate fees should be mailed to MSU Potato Lab PO
Box 172060, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 (postmarked June 10). Applicants not meeting the June 10th deadline may be assessed a non-refundable penalty of $50.00 per registration (see
Section 5). If a grower is late, a registered letter will be sent to that grower.
The grower has ten (10) days after the letter is received to apply for certification.
After ten (10) days, no application for certification will be accepted.
- Applications must be submitted for any seed lots, fields or varieties for which certification
are sought. Failure of any grower to apply for certification of any seed lot, field
or variety will result in that grower’s field or variety being ineligible for certification.
- Applications for certification will not be accepted unless the applicant has enclosed
the fees set forth in Section 5 and has paid all previous indebtedness to the University.
Tags will also be withheld until all past indebtedness is paid up.
- Growers on state borders shall be required to grow all potatoes under the Montana
Rules and Regulations if they wish to certify any portion of their crop in Montana.
- A field map with clear designations of each seed lot, all documentation relating to
the seed source including an official Montana State University certified seed potato
tag, a North American Plant Health Certificate, and any other information requested
must be attached to the application or submitted to the Director, Seed Potato Certification,
MSU-Bozeman, PO Box 172060, Bozeman, Montana 59717-2060.
- Applications for Multiple Certifications. A grower may hold more than one certification.
For each certification, a seed grower must submit a separate application form and
pay the appropriate fees. Multiple certifications are subject to all rules for single
registrations as well as the following requirements and restrictions:
- Each certification should be a separate seed lot, a seed of separate sources or a
different variety.
- All equipment that is shared by different growers shall be cleaned and disinfected
each time it is moved from one grower to the next. Cleaning and disinfecting shall
be the responsibility of the growers (see Section 8 D)
- Sharing equipment may negate separation of registrations.
- A grower intending to grow two (2) or more varieties shall be required to meet all
conditions that apply to multiple registrations.
Potato Lab
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172060
Bozeman, MT 59717-2060
Phone: (406) 994-3150
Fax: (406) 994-6042
Location: 223 Plant Growth Center
Nina Zidack